Science at Gresham

Gresham's Science Curriculum Map

Gresham's Science Road Map

At Gresham, the primary aim of our Science studies is to ignite curiosity in our children; we want them to question why things happen and the way things work. Through the teaching of Science we aim to develop the processes of scientific enquiry, in order to stimulate pupils’ curiosity in the world around them and encourage critical and creative thinking. We aim to provide the children with opportunities to develop their skills within the disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics, by working through the essential elements and concepts of science which are:

  • Life processes and living things – including human health and nutrition; plant nutrition; classification of animal and plants; the habitats of animal and plants.
  • Seasonal changes.
  • Materials and their properties – including how materials can be used; how they can change (burning, freezing, boiling); and how they can be mixed and separated.
  • Physical processes – including electric circuits; forces; how light and sound travel; and astronomy.
  • Working scientifically - the areas of scientific knowledge are taught in tandem with the skills of scientific enquiry.

Research suggests that good scientific enquiry should build on children’s existing knowledge, interests and ideas, link to everyday contexts and encourage discussion. Children are encouraged to identify questions that can be addressed scientifically, plan and carry out experiments, evaluate data and recognise the limitations of their own and others’ results.