My name is Kim Durling and I was elected as Chair of Governors in October 2017. My aims are to ensure that statutory requirements and regulations are met, that the school provides value for money in its use of resources and that Governing Body business is conducted efficiently and effectively.
Gresham Primary School is a happy place where young people feel safe and supported. Our school ethos is based on inclusion and being at the heart of the local community.
The school’s latest Ofsted Inspection, undertaken in the Spring of 2018, highlighted the many strengths of Gresham Primary School and the Governing Body was very happy with the ‘Good’ outcome. However, we recognise that the school must consistently strive to improve and innovate to ensure the best possible outcomes for its pupils.
The Governing Body helps to set clear vision, ethos and strategic direction and provides support, challenge and encouragement to the Headteacher in achieving the School Improvement Plan (SIP). The Governing Body acts as a ‘critical friend’ in all matters.
Working very closely with the Headteacher, the Governing Body is ultimately responsible for the curriculum delivery, the school’s finances, personnel matters and maintaining the school premises. The Headteacher, with her staff, is responsible for the planning, teaching and monitoring of the National Curriculum and the day-to-day running of the school.
The Governors, Headteacher and staff work in partnership to promote the aims of the school.
The Governing Body is immensely proud of what the school consistently achieves and has a real determination to do even better in the future. We have great plans in place to take the school forward in the coming years.
In short, the Governing Body’s aim is to ensure Gresham Primary provides its pupils the best educational start in life helping them to become happy, confident individuals who are given every opportunity to reach their potential.
I hope you will find the website useful. We welcome feedback and ideas on how we can improve.
The Governing Body comprises:
2 Elected Parent Governors – Andrew Dean and Keith Yeoman
1 Headteacher (Ex-Officio Governor) – Karen Steele
1 Staff Governor – Joseph Prior
6 Co-Opted Governors – Kim Durling (Chair), Phil Stack (Vice Chair), Jihan Turner, Paul James, Tracy Evans, Mike Chalk and Supriya Shekhar
Governing Body Business Interests Summary 2024-2025
Annual Chair of Governor's Report 2024
Instrument of Government document
It is my sincere wish, as Chair of Governors, to continue with the sterling work and efforts put in by all staff and to support all positive moves in all aspects to improve the school.
In addition to our meetings, we spend time in school communicating with staff (both teaching and non-teaching), parents and children to ensure that the policies we adopt are correct and that the staff are given the support they need.
The Headteacher attends all of the Governors’ meetings and is a full member of the Governing Body. Governors serve for four years; all parents with a child at the school are entitled to stand for election for Parent Governor and also to vote when elections are held.
As Chair of Governors I can be contacted through the school office (Address on front cover of the school prospectus), or email
Yours sincerely,
Mr Kim Durling
Chair of Governors
Minutes of Governor meetings are available on request.
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