New Parents Pack
New Parents Pack
Please find below information letters and forms for you to complete before your child joins Chipstead Valley Primary School in September 2014. We have tried to include all information presently available but will add to this section as other details are organised.
Reception teachers will write to you shortly with details of the class your child will be in. In addition there will be a New Reception Parents Evening on Wednesday 2nd July, starting at 7pm in your child’s classroom, when you will have a chance to meet your child’s new Class Teacher and visit the classroom, look round the School.
Important Dates
- Monday 7th to Wednesday 9th July, single hour visits, session times 9:15-10:15a.m and 1:45-2:45pm. Your child will be invited to come into school for one hour on one of these days, either in the morning or the afternoon. The exact date and time will be included in the letter from your child’s class teacher which you will receive shortly.
- Weeks beginning Monday 1st and Monday 8th September – home visits will be taking place. When the class teacher and teaching assistant visit children in their homes.
- Monday 15th September-Wednesday 17th September (children in part time, 2 sessions, either morning or afternoon, a.m for the younger children and p.m for the older children) 9-11:30 and 12:45-3:15.
- Thursday 18th September and Friday 19th September (children will be staying for lunch – option for parents to have a hot dinner)
- Monday 22nd September – children in full time.
Please complete and return to the School Office all documents marked with an asterisk* by Monday 23rd June. Please do not worry if you are unable to complete the forms by this date, we just like to have information back as soon as possible so that we can get the children onto our data base. All forms will be available on 2nd July if you haven’t already returned them to school.